The Sound of a New Beginning

A senior woman embracing her granddaughter and laughing. They are wearing casual clothing and are sitting in a garden at a baby shower.

You’ve seen the videos on TikTok. Babies, after they just get hearing aids, hearing their mother’s voice for the first time. In some of these videos, the baby is hesitant initially. When the doctor attempts to put the hearing aid in their ears, they fight against it. They may cry before they smile with delight. They’re overwhelmed with a host of emotions. They’re anxious about what to expect. But finally, their hearing is restored and the world suddenly opens up. These videos can even cause joyful tears for people watching them.

But this life-changing moment could occur for anybody.

You’re not alone if you’re feeling anxious about getting hearing aids. If you’re feeling somewhat anxious about this process it doesn’t mean you’re a baby.
When individuals of any age experience hearing aids they may cry tears of joy, let’s discover why.

Music to your ears

Maybe you didn’t even know. It occurred so slowly. You don’t appreciate music like you once did. It just doesn’t seem as satisfying as it once did. Sometimes, it is even grating. Turning it up makes it even worse.

It’s not simply volume that is effected by hearing loss. In some cases, only specific notes of sound are impacted.
Music is made of notes of sound that mix together and travel as waves that are then detected by your ears. If you can’t hear the splendid complexity of music, it’s just not the same.

Those notes that were once lost in music will be enjoyed once more when you use hearing aids. Once more, music comes to life. It becomes a great joy in your life that you’ve lost.

A child’s laughter

Do you recall the sound of a child laughing? You may have forgotten this beautiful sound experience if you have chosen not to wear your hearing aids. Rejuvenate your hearing and rediscover these magical moments with your grandchildren.

Restored relationships

Untreated hearing loss can put a significant strain on relationships. It annoys people and causes misconceptions. They often argue more. It can even cause an individual with hearing loss to seclude themselves, so they don’t feel like a burden.

They may avoid social clubs or dinner out because they feel secluded and disconnected while others have a conversation.

Hobbies less pleasurable so you’ve given many of them up?

The basic act of getting your hearing back will breathe new life into your relationships with a significant other, brothers and sisters, children, and friends.
Regain your ability to speak with each other. Converse long into the night. Do all of the things you love with the people you love.

If you miss this in your life, it’s time to reconsider that hearing aid.

You feel more secure at home

Do you feel troubled about what you’re unable to hear? Would you hear the voice of an injured loved one calling you from the other room? If the doorbell, oven timer, or smoke detector sounded, would you be able to hear them? Would you miss the ringing of the phone when a significant call was coming in?

Do you worry that you won’t hear oncoming traffic or pedestrian signals when out for a walk?

These “what if’s” can make us feel unsafe in places where we should feel entirely confident. But when you use your hearing aid, you can be more confident, and enjoy life to its fullest. You’ll find peace of mind.

It’s likely you don’t know how much you’re missing

Just like the babies who’ve never heard their mother’s voices, you might not appreciate what you’re missing. Hearing loss advances slowly in most instances. You may simply forget the pleasure of things you no longer hear.

When you can suddenly hear again, you’ll be surprised. You’ll regret letting it go this long. Think you might have some degree of hearing loss? Give us a call today to schedule a hearing test and see what you’ve been missing.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.